Attend the Texas Legislative panel with these State Legislature and Advocacy panelists who are plugged into the infrastructure issues currently facing the State government. If time allows, a Q&A segment may be conducted. Have your burning infrastructure and civil engineering related legislation questions ready.
Confirmed Panelists:
Texas Representative Stan Kitzman
District 85
Member, Natural Resources Committee
Texas Representative John Lujan
District 118
Member, Transportation Committee
Miguel Arrendondo, Chief of Staff
Office of Texas Rep. Erin Zwiener, member of Energy Resources Committee and Natural Resources Committee
Jonathon Sierra-Ortega
Policy Director
Texas Senate Committee on Transportation
Sarah R. Schlessinger
Chief Executive Officer
Texas Water Foundation
Texas Representative Dennis Paul PE
Texas Representative Stan Gerdes
Texas Representative Ellen Troxclair
Texas Senator Judith Zaffirini
Julie Nahrgang, Water Environment Association of Texas