Breaking Barriers

September 17-19, 2025 | San Marcos, TX

ASCE Texas Section's Flagship Conference

The Texas Civil Engineering Conference (CECON™) is a noteworthy celebration that brings together the best in Texas civil engineering providing unique opportunities to learn and build relationships across the state and beyond.

Engineers are tasked with a big responsibility upon being licensed. Professional engineers are entrusted to protect the health, safety, property, and welfare of the public in the practice of our field. In fulfilling this oath, we have a responsibility to continuously attempt to break through the current technological, social, mental, and physical barriers that exist in our industry and push our profession to new heights to better fulfill our oath to the public.

A Barrier is defined as a circumstance or obstacle that keeps people or things apart or prevents communication or progress. For CECON 2025, we will showcase the presentations of trailblazers in our industry that have one way, or another made progress in breaking down these barriers in a variety of areas including:

  • Leadership
  • Succession
  • Design
  • Safety
  • Operations
  • Technology
  • Processes
  • Communication
  • Construction Methods

We want to share and highlight the engineering communities’ work and accomplishments in breaking down barriers so that others can use their new ideas as a platform to do the same. CECON 2025’s goal is to create a barrier breaking domino effect by sharing the latest achievements, technologies, and practices being implemented across our nation.

Top 4 Reasons to Attend CECON:

Connect with a statewide audience, while exploring what we are doing now and what comes next within our engineering community.

Program Spotlight

Panel Discussions

Panel discussions by industry experts bring dynamic conversation about key issues to the CECON program. You won’t want to miss any of the CECON panels! 

2024 Featured Speakers

Brooke T. Paup


COL Aaron Thomas Hill Jr.

Deputy Head Professor
U.S. Military Academy

Shayla Rivera

Aerospace Engineer, Comedian
Texas A&M University

2024 Schedule-At-A-Glance

Wednesday 9/18

Thursday 9/19

Friday 9/20

Thank you to our 2025 Sponsors


people attended in 2024


unique sessions, including 4 discipline tracks from these Texas chapters: T&DI, GI, EWRI, SEI


of attendees reported having a positive experience at CECON


of attendees reported feeling connected because of CECON

2024 Collaborators

Get Involved

We want to hear how YOU define the future of sustainability!  We are always accepting speaker and topic proposals for CECON. You can also get involved and make a difference by volunteering to join an ASCE Texas Section committee. We look forward to hearing from you!