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Financial Impact of Corrosivity/Lead and Copper Testing for New Water Sources

Requirements for lead and copper testing have been in place since the Lead and Copper Rule (LCR) was promulgated by USEPA under the Safe Drinking Water Act in 1991. Specific requirements for lead and copper testing on samples taken from the resident’s taps were included. The LCR set an action level for the 90th percentile sample value for lead of 0.015 mg/l and copper of 1.3 mg/l. As a reaction to the contamination of water supply to residences from the lead service lines in Flint, Michigan that was widely publicized in 2016, regulatory agencies have strengthened requirements for corrosivity testing. Since 1991, the LCR has undergone revisions in 2000, 2004, 2007, and 2021. State of Texas regulations under 30 TAC 290.117 were amended accordingly on March 30, 2017. This presentation will provide a review of the Flint, Michigan incident, a thorough description of the Federal and State requirements with emphasis on requirements for sampling and engineering studies of corrosivity, costs for meeting these requirements experienced by Wickson Creek SUD on implementation of new water sources for two of their systems, and recommendations for modifications to the State requirements.
