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Bridge Weigh-in-Motion Approach to Measure Live Load on Texas Highways

Bridge weigh-in-motion (BWIM) systems are gaining in popularity in the United States with the primary objective of characterizing the truck loading on a given corridor. This includes the number of axles, axle spacing, axle weights, vehicle speed, vehicle classification, and gross vehicle weight. A secondary objective is to evaluate the bridge itself. This presentation will summarize a study for the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), which developed a BWIM system for typical Texas bridges. The project established BWIM guidelines for future implementation through studies on three in-service TxDOT bridges. At two of these sites, an independent portable pavement weigh-in-motion (WIM) system was installed for validation studies. The BWIM results from the three sites and the validation study will be presented. Finally, the primary advantages and disadvantages of BWIM versus pavement WIM will be discussed.



Matthew Yarnold

Assistant Professor
Texas A&M University


Call: 512-472-8905

Email: office@texasce.org

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