About Our Speakers

Don Ward PE

Pavement Restoration, Inc.

Corporate Engineering and Marketing Manager

• The presentation will provide information to municipal and private entities on “Why” they should begin and continue a “Pavement Preservation Program” for their roadway system. The many benefits of such a program include tremendous cost savings, extending the roadway life and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.


• The preservation of existing asphalt streets whether they be in original Hot-mix form, overlays, micros or slurry surfaces is a well proven, highly cost effective way of maintaining the streets “Pavement Condition Index” (PCI) at low cost to an Agency. In a time when all agencies are finding their maintenance budgets shrinking, while their assets are increasing in size, this is a nightmare scenario that can be remedied. This is a proven methodology to stabilize and retard the aging process, extend service life an additional 5 years per application, and at the same time extend your budget maintenance dollars. With a relatively small investment one can reach out and cover a large proportion of streets for treatment, and provide a “maintenance preservation plan working document” to senior agency officials showing a systematic and all-embracing plan of action that identifies pavement condition, and prioritizes it by age analysis, and treatment date. This session will show how to determine the needs of the agency and discuss a real world case study from Travis County, Texas.
Don was born and raised in central Texas and received his B.S. degree in Civil Engineering from Texas A&M University in 1983. He became a registered P.E. in 1988. He moved to the Austin area in 1984 and worked for a Civil Engineering Consultanting firm for 5 years providing municipal engineering services to small cities. Since that time, Don has worked for the City of Austin (Disposal Services Manager/Landfill Engineer), City of Georgetown (Utility Systems Engineer/Water & Wastewater Systems Manager), City of Leander (City Engineer/Director of Public Works), Travis County (Director of Road & Bridge and Fleet Services) and now is employed as the Engineering Sales Manager for Pavement Restoration, Inc.

Don has provided civil engineering services to foreign countries (Paraguay, Mexico and Sri Lanka) through the International City/County Management Association (ICMA). He has served on the boards for Texas Association of County Engineers and Road Administrators, Texas Chapter American Public Works Association, Central Texas Branch Public Works Association (President), and the Texas Chapter of the Solid Waste Association of North America (President). He is married and has two adult children.