Studies and Supervision of Texas LLC
Fernando Gomez has been performing inspections, quality control, quality assurance, CMT field management and safety coordinator services for more than 30 years in the USA and Mexico. He has assisted in several projects for Geologists and Engineers with field sampling, logging, and classifying soils, as well as testing in the laboratory. For the last 15 years, Mr. Gomez has also performed environmental investigations, asbestos inspections and moisture mapping in Florida, Alabama, Louisiana, and Texas, specifically in the areas damaged during hurricane seasons. He has an associate degree as a Field Engineering Technician as well as an associate degree in Applied Science. He is currently a UT Arlington Civil Engineer student. He has also held several ACI, HMAC and PTI certifications during the last 30 years. Mr. Gomez is currently an associate member of ACI C630 CCSI (Concrete Construction Specialist Inspector) and ACI C228 NDT (Nondestructive Testing) and also held Asbestos Inspector License in the state of Texas. He has served as Quality Control Construction Manager on a few projects for the USACE in Texas, Concrete Testing Manager during the LBJ mange lanes projects, and field project manager for some renovations made at USPS distribution offices around Texas. Last year he presented at the TECL annual meeting What you Need to Know to Take and Pass the ACI NDT Exam, and at UT Arlington Understanding Field Inspections. Right now, he is the owner and manager of Studies and Supervision of Teas where he performs independent inspections, testing for contractors, and research in concrete.
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