Rethinking Wave Impact Analysis of Coastal Bridges
Recent experimental studies showed that design provisions for hooked and headed bar anchorage in ACI 318-14 and AASHTO LRFD 9th edition were unconservative for bar sizes greater than number 8. Furthermore, these studies provided new data for significantly higher concrete compressive strengths and reinforcing bar yield strengths than the tests used to the develop the provisions in ACI 318-14 and AASHTO LRFD 9th Edition.
In light of this research, significant changes in the design provisions for hooked and headed bar anchorage were introduced in the ACI 318-19 Code and will be introduced in the 10th edition of the AASHTO LRFD Specification. The presentation will include an overview of the new code provisions, highlight the most significant changes implemented in both codes, and describe the research that led to the adoption of the new provisions.
Anchorage configurations for which code changes have the greatest effect will be discussed. Experimental data will be used to illustrate the accuracy of the new code provisions when applied to a wide range of concrete and steel strengths.
Adolfo Matamoros PhD, PE, FSEI, FACI
Peter T. Flawn Professor
University of Texas at San Antonio