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Planning for the future: The Texas sized flood planning effort by TWDB

Texas has embarked on a first of its kind process to develop a regional based, statewide flood planning effort to identify existing and future flood risk to life and property, recommend potential flood mitigation solutions, analyze floodplain management practices. The fifteen river-basin based regional flood planning groups in Texas submit their first ever regional flood plans to the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) in January 2023. This has been an unprecedented and massive effort conducted as a bottom-up approach mirroring the state’s successful water planning program. This presentation will provide an update on the findings from Texas’s first ever statewide regional flood planning efforts and a look at the state’s flood hazard, critical infrastructure, population at risk of flooding, solutions identified, and the cost of it.



Reem J. Zoun PE, CFM, ENV SP
Director of Flood Planning
Texas Water and Development Board


Call: 512-472-8905

Email: office@texasce.org

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