Raising the grade

September 18-20, 2024 | Frisco, TX

ASCE Texas Section's Flagship Conference

The Texas Civil Engineering Conference (CECON™) offers a snapshot of the best in Texas civil engineering, while providing unique opportunities to learn and build relationships across the state and beyond, contributing to the industry’s technical diversity as never before.

We all have a stake in obtaining the highest grade, both academically and professionally:

  • Together, we can explore ways to raise awareness, attracting future engineers to choose Civil
  • Our communities’ infrastructure “needs improvement” (2021 Texas Infrastructure Report Card). While students are learning the skills to a reliant and resilient infrastructure, what can we do now to raise a sustainable foundation for them?
  • How can we raise the grade for our communities now and our future engineers?


With the upcoming 2025 ASCE Infrastructure Report Card it is only fitting that for this year’s CECON program we showcase, celebrate, and highlight the engineering communities’ work and accomplishments over the last four years within most infrastructure foundations that has contributed to continual improvement and betterment of our state’s infrastructure, covering including transit, aviation, water, energy, and many others.

With Texas infrastructure being relied on to service close to 30 million people, our engineering community has been called on time and time again to develop dynamic solutions, improve processes, and utilize emerging technology to help improve and maintain the rapidly growing, and rapidly changing, infrastructure across this great state. Increasing safety, quicker construction timelines, smarter vehicles, are just a few examples of the many challenges posed to our industry that have shaped how we practice engineering today. We want to showcase the great work and projects, but also share the lessons gained from the things that may not have worked as well as we thought. All with the common goal of sharing knowledge, so we can continue to improve and “raise the grade” for Texas engineering and infrastructure.

Top 4 Reasons to Attend CECON:

Connect with a statewide audience, while exploring what we are doing now and what comes next within our engineering community.

Program Spotlight

Panel Discussions

Panel discussions by industry experts bring dynamic conversation about key issues to the CECON program. You won’t want to miss any of the CECON panels! 

2024 Featured Speakers

Brooke T. Paup


COL Aaron Thomas Hill Jr.

Deputy Head Professor
U.S. Military Academy

Shayla Rivera

Aerospace Engineer, Comedian
Texas A&M University

2024 Schedule-At-A-Glance

Wednesday 9/18

Thursday 9/19

Friday 9/20

Thank you to our 2024 Sponsors

Civil Engineers Love CECON

2024 Collaborators

Get Involved

We want to hear how YOU define the future of sustainability!  We are always accepting speaker and topic proposals for CECON. You can also get involved and make a difference by volunteering to join an ASCE Texas Section committee. We look forward to hearing from you!