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Leveraging Artificial Intelligence for Management of Construction Projects

Construction is critical to the US economy and makes up around 4% of the GDP. Despite this contribution, data from US Bureau of Economic Analysis indicates that productivity in construction industry has been falling for decades. Based on a study conducted at the University of Chicago, one attributing factor for this decline is the result of construction sector’s deteriorating ability to efficiently transform goods into finished products.

Historically, the construction industry has been hesitant to embrace innovation due to its fragmented structure, high initial cost, and skills gap. However, in recent years there is maturation in traditional attitudes with a growing recognition of technological opportunities. McKinsey forecasts that as benefits become clear, construction sector is likely to be more receptive to emerging technologies and digitization. The use of Artificial Intelligence is at the forefront of this pivotal shift as indicated by an all-time high global venture capital investment in infrastructure related AI.

Management is an essential aspect of successfully delivering a construction project and involves distinct processes within the project’s lifecycle, which set the direction and activities to achieve its goals. When implemented under a well-defined strategy, AI has the potential to revolutionize project management by automation and improved decision-making, thus enhancing overall business performance. Notably, in spite of an increase in spending, only 18% of project managers have practical experience with AI tools, according to a 2023 survey conducted by Project Management Institute. Clearly, there is a knowledge gap in terms of adoption, which needs to be closed to leverage AI technology’s full potential.



Aamir Butt DE, PE
Senior Principal/Senior Program Manager – Large Programs


Call: 512-472-8905

Email: office@texasce.org

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